Our departments
Countrywide Tax & Trust Corporation Ltd is a rapidly expanding business whose staff numbers have risen dramatically over the past 16 years in order to keep pace with our current levels of business and to cover the new products and services we offer within the group.
Click on each Department to learn more about what we do.
- Accounts
Our Accounts team are responsible for all payments and Direct Debits and cover the following:
- Client Payments
- Direct Debits
- Tax Returns
- Setting up Trustee Accounts
- Commissions
- Stamp Duty Land Tax
- Admin
Our Admin team ensure that our client’s legal documents are scanned onto our secure electronic document systems and transferred into our safe storage facility.
Other tasks include:
- Printing & Packaging of Documents
- Point of Sale Documents
- Storage of all Documents Scanning
- Incoming / Outgoing Post
- Vulnerable Client Care
Our Vulnerable Client Care team deal with matters relating to long term care funding disputes and deputyship applications. The team also work in conjunction with other departments across the business to continue improving the services we offer across the company.
- Conveyancing
Our Conveyancing Department offers an efficient and personal service for all aspects of property work relating to our Trust and Probate matters. Clients will be assisted by a dedicated lawyer who will, build a relationship with them to help them understand what is required and assist them through each stage of the process. We also have good working relationships with external lawyers for matters that we do not handle in house.
Services included are:
- Transfer of Property to Trust
- Sale / Purchase of Trust Property
- Transfer of Property from Sole to Joint
- Restrictions / Legal Charges
- First Registration of Title
- Registration of Title for Lost Deeds
- Trust of Land
- Consents
- Estate Planning Helpline
Our Estate Planning Helpline team are renown in the legal industry for their expertise in all aspects of estate planning, no matter how complex.
Providing a full technical advice service to our Countrywide Members, whatever the client’s situation and requirements they are able to benefit from the expertise of any of our legally qualified staff and STEP Affiliates.
So whether it’s a Will review, a full estate planning report, tax advice, lifetime and advanced estate planning solutions, or business succession, our team have the answers.
- HR & Office Management
Our Office Manager is responsible for the smooth running of our Kenilworth Office.
Also covering all aspects of H.R. including recruitment, induction training and the ongoing well being of our staff.
- Trust Admin
Once assets enter a Trust then it has to be treated as such. An example of this is when a client dies and assets pass from the Will into the Trust or a sum assured from a Life Assurance policy held in Trust. Assets can also be paid into a Trust during the client’s lifetime.
Our Live Trust team undertake all work relating to a “live” Trust and hold and administer Trustee meetings, drafting all the relevant documents required by the Trustees and beneficiaries.
- Deeds of Removal / Appointment of Trustees and Beneficiaries
- Assignment of Existing Investments into Trust
- Investing from the Trust
- Trustee Meetings
- Loan Documents
- Trustee Bank Accounts
- Absolute Trusts
- Right to Reside
- Deeds of Variation (DOV)
- Prenuptial Agreements
- Marketing
Our marketing team are responsible for the marketing of the group of companies and the products and services we provide to our members.
The team use various marketing methods to advertise our businesses across all social media platforms, thereby ensuring that we deliver our message to the legal industry in an informative and often imaginative way.
They are also responsible for maintaining all company websites ensuring that they are up to date with new information and changes in legislation.
- Extranet Advice
- Adviser Websites
- Estate Planning Cartoons
- Rebranding Literature
- Advertising (Brochures, Adverts, Banners, Leaflets & Flyers)
- Business Stationery
- New Entrants
Our New Entrants Team are the first point of contact for professionals wanting to join Countrywide and set them on their training path to becoming full Estate Planning Consultants.
The team undertakes the following:
- Setting up Advisers, Networks & Companies new to Countrywide
- Organising our training Courses
- Setting up Webinars
- Purchase of Software
- New members & access to the Extranet
- Adviser & Introducer Contracts
- PI Insurance
- Arranging meetings and appointments with Clive Ponder
- Probate
Countrywide Tax & Trust Corporation Limited are experts in dealing with all aspects of Probate. Probate can be a complex and extremely time consuming process
Our specialist Probate Team have a sympathetic and patient approach when dealing with bereaved relatives and will happily arrange a visit to discuss the client’s requirements in the comfort of their own home.
Unlike Solicitors and many other Legal companies who often charge an hourly rate, Countrywide provide a Fixed Fee Probate Service which is quoted in advance of any work being undertaken. This could be a considerable saving on the fees you would typically need to pay a high street Bank or Solicitor.
Once you have agreed to use our Probate service, you will be appointed your own Case Handler who will personally, look after your case and who will be your point of contact throughout the process.
As part of our Probate Service, our team can also provide independent advice on the Will itself and may, under certain circumstances, recommend that a Deed of Variation be set up in order to vary the Will. This process would effectively ensure that the beneficiaries of the Will receive as much of their inheritance as possible, without having to pay out large chunks of it to the Inland Revenue in taxes.
This process must be executed within two years of death and needs to be with the agreement of all the beneficiaries.
- Probate enquiries
- Administration of Estates
- Grants of Probate
- Deeds of Variation
- Processing
Our Processing Team handles the following work:
- Drafting of Wills & Trusts
- Deeds of Severance
- Corrections and Amendments
- PA Cases
- Drafting of Assignments and Nominations
- Drafting of Lasting Powers of Attorney and registration of Lasting Powers of Attorney and EPAs
- Software training
- Systems
Our Systems department and Software teams are responsible for the continuous upkeep and development of our in-house workflow systems and the Legal Document drafting software, Countrywide Legacy.
They are also responsible for:
- Registrations
- System log-in Assistance
- System Errors (Countrywide In-house Systems Only)
- Countrywide Legacy Software
- Willmaker Direct Software
Want to find out more about our current vacancies?
Tel: 01926 514 390
Email: jobs@countrywidegroup.co.uk