Countrywide Tax & Trust Corporation Ltd is part of a group of companies
and we work in association with...

CTT Law Limited is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, and guides their clients through property and other legal matters.

Countrywide Estate Planning ifa is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority, and provides advice in all aspects of finance, tax planning, and wealth protection.

Developed by our in house experts, Countrywide Legacy provides bespoke legal drafting software to thousands of professionals throughout the UK.

Countrywide Willmaker is an online legal drafting system developed by our in house experts which allows professionals to draft basic Wills for their clients easily and efficiently.
In an average month, we draft in excess of 2,800 legal documents and service over 450 new clients each week.
Countrywide Tax & Trust Corporation Limited has been established for 17 years, providing Legal Services, Probate, Professional Executor and Trustee Services and is part of a group of companies providing advice in all aspects of Estate Planning and Asset Protection. Being a Trust Corporation allows improved efficiency in both applying for Grants of Probate and Trust work, whilst giving our clients extra protection due to the share capital held by the company.

Countrywide Tax & Trust Corporation Limited is an established legal company, whose 4 out of 5 Directors are full members of STEP.

Our Estate Planning team are renown in the legal industry for their expertise in all aspects of estate planning, no matter how complex.

Do you want to work for a company that's not afraid to stand out from the crowd? If so, the Countrywide Group is for you!

Are you a professional Estate Planner and want to learn more about our intelligent legal document drafting software, Countrywide Legacy?